Your Guide: Denise Divine
Founder of Divine Light Yoga Teacher Training School
Certified Yoga Therapist and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist
Board Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner
Advance Your Teaching to the 500 Hour Level in this Self Paced On line Course
Well designed, carefully curated and organized, this Advanced course for Teachers builds, integrates and matures your already present teaching skills and knowledge. Based on my over 21 years of practice, continuing study and teaching, I have developed and taught this course with a true desire to inform and see you as a teacher grow and feel more centered, secure and clear.
A deeply transformational experience, a release from what holds you back in all aspects of life and a way inward so that you can transmit that to your students will develop and take root in you from this work. As teachers, we do not simply teach yoga, we have an extraordinary opportunity to inspire, hold, and allow our students to find their deepest inner connection. Yoga is a practice that we gratefully realize is a way to BE, a uniting of all the beautiful, messy, wrecked, fabulous and distorted parts of who we think we are, so that we can realize who we really are. And all of that becomes okay. We settle into a deep acceptance of our being, and by doing that for ourselves, we emulate this in our teachings, and that is the powerful gift we naturally radiate. The “work” disappears and we flow, we become that embodiment. Even on days when we are challenged to our utmost.
Monthly LIVE Zoom Mentoring Sessions included for all enrollees in all options
Yoga Alliance approved
Payment plans available
Guest teachers will include additional Certified Yoga Therapists and Experts in the field. Check divinelightyoga.com/2022-300-hr-ytt for more info.